Louis Escher
- 18 years old
- Lives in Germany
- 5,5 years of experience
Vibing to
About me
Hi there, and welcome to my corner of the internet! I’m Louis, an 18-year-old full-stack web dev from Germany.
Here on my personal page, I share a variety of content, ranging from open-source projects to blog posts detailing the problems I’ve come across and how I solved them. I’m sure you’ll find something that jumps out at you.
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy your visit!
Latest Projects
Work Experience
websedit AG
University StudentStudying at a cooperative state university to get a Bachelor of Science.
Entropic Software (Self-employed)
CEO & Lead DeveloperFounded Entropic Software, a software development company. Working on multiple projects for clients.
VALTracker (Self-employed)
Core MaintainerWorking as lead developer on VALTracker.gg, a project I created to track your Valorant stats. Reached 12.000+ downloads during those two years.
HobbyistLearning how to code, mainly developing Discord chat-bots.